The We.Team Logo
Download the We.Team logo in different variations as a vector graphic here. Please respect the following rules when using the logo and do not make any changes to the size or design of the logo. If you have any questions or doubts, please contact us at
Royal Blue
Hex: #00465C
RGB: 0, 70, 92
CSS: rgba(0, 70, 92, 1)
Sky Blue (Link Color)
Hex: #00C5E7
RGB: 0, 197, 231
CSS: rgba(0, 197, 231, 1)
Neutral Lighter
Hex: #F5F5F5
RGB: 245, 245, 245
CSS: rgba(245, 245, 245, 1)
Wood Green
Hex: #00AE31
RGB: 0, 174, 49
CSS: rgba(0, 174, 49, 1)
Apple Green
Hex: #95E932
RGB: 149, 233, 50
CSS: rgba(149, 233, 50, 1)
Bubblegum Pink
Hex: #FF2F7D
RGB: 255, 47, 125
CSS: rgba(255, 47, 125, 1)
Streetlight Yellow
Hex: #FFC700
RGB: 255, 199, 0
CSS: rgba(255, 199, 0, 1)
Spark of Light
Hex Dark: #00517E
Hex Light: #00A7C4
Specification Desktop: Radial
Specification Mobile: Linear
Sophisticated Black
Hex: #1C1C1C
RGB: 28, 28, 28
CSS: rgba(28, 28, 28, 1)